Doug Braden meets with congressman Cory Gardner

31 Jan 2013 1:17 PM | Jason Kauffman

Doug Braden and Congressman Cory Gardner meet at the open house in Cory’s new office in Greeley January 9th 2013

Dan Betts graciously took this picture for me. Thanks Dan! It was nice seeing you all again congratulations on the great new office and keep up the strong work for Colorado!

Doug Dropped off the letter from David Stevens, President of the MBA, detailing some negative impact to small Businesses from the recent and now being considered changes coming from the CFPB, with regard to compensation, new disclosures, and the QM definition and guidelines which will clearly favor the much larger institutions.

He asked for Cory’s consideration and help with our positions and asked that he contact members of the Financial Services Committee and other in Congress with our points and any recommendations.

Respectfully DLB

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