CoAMP's visit to Washington DC for the 2014 National Legislature Day

20 Mar 2014 7:46 AM | Anonymous
2014 CoAMP GA committee Leg conference recap & Delegate council report:

In spite of the weather closure of the Federal government on Monday we had a very good turnout of NAMB members and had a great series of meetings leading up to our day on the Hill.

We had valuable input from all of our panelists on Sunday afternoon at the Compliance Symposium provided by Lenders & Brokers Compliance Group. Much of the presentation was in regards to the new rules issued in January and how to stay compliant with these rules.

On Monday we had a snowfall that accumulated about 2 inches of sloshy snow which closed down Washington DC. Many of the panelists scheduled for our day did not make the trip through the snow to visit with us face to face. MBA representative Ken Markison called in to us. Dan Smith from the CFPB also called in and carefully answered our questions, at times to no actual tangible answer. We were fortunate to have an in person visit from Raj Date former director of the CFPB and now representing a Non-Qualified mortgage company.

Off to the Hill on Tuesday with all of our appointments with the Colorado legislators scheduled for meetings (Doug did his magic with our scheduling again)! Kay Cleland, NAMB Secretary & Chairperson of Membership joined us in representing Colorado!

Due to the weather and travel issues, most of our meetings were with staffers. We were able to meet these Congressman personally, Jared Polis, Scott Tipton and Cory Gardner. Our meeting with Noah Marine, Legislative Director for Ed Perlmutter a member of the House Financial Services Committee, was very productive as he supported our conversation about an amendment to the Dodd/Frank Act. We've had follow up conversations with Noah regarding language for a proposed bill that is to facilitate a level playing field for QM calculation. Attached is a copy of our cover letter to the legislators for our material presentations.

In conclusion our trip to DC was successful. These trips are essential to maintain our relationships with our federal lawmakers, and we will continue to keep the doors open as we follow up and meet with them again when they are in Colorado. We encourage you, as CoAMP members and industry professionals, to reach out to your Congress members and Senators and express your concerns about the impact on your small businesses and on behalf of your consumers.

Douglas L Braden CoAMP GA Committee Co-Chair, Member of CoAMP Board of Directors
Jayne L Bail, CoAMP GA Committee Co-Chair
Heidi Martin, CoAMP GA Committee, Member of CoAMP Board of Directors

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