Embrace Your Brilliance To Achieve Business Goals!!

CoAMP Is proud to be partnering with Bronwyn Morrissey on this powerful presentation.
Learn how you can embrace your brilliance through the application of the 7 levels of leadership. Develop skills and behaviors that will lead to more effective, productive and consistent action to hit your desired goals. Learn about client and team collaboration, communication and interaction to ensure total success.

With over 27 years as a successful sales executive in the mortgage banking industry, as well as an owner of a yoga studio, Bronwyn knows what it means to lead a successful team, hit business goals all while balancing life at home. Clients seek Bronwyn’s coaching to better lead their teams to success and unlock the patterns that hold them back from ultimate success.
Please join us Friday, September 20th. Lunch will be served!
Where: Curtis Ballroom 5345 Landmark Pl, Greenwood Village
Time: 11:00 AM - 1PM (Registration and lunch start at 11-Presentation starts at 11:30)
Price: $25 for CoAMP Members and guests
$35 for Future Members and guests
Who Should Attend: Anyone in the real estate industry who will benefit from leveling up their business! Loan Officers, this is a good opportunity to ask your realtor partners to join you!

Jaxzann Riggs, Owner
303-394-2121; jaxzann@gmail.com

Dawn McDonald, Account Executive
303-947-5244; dawn.mcdonald@ghmloans.com

Catherine Capilupi, Business Development Manager
303-471-7645; ccapilupi@redrocks.org
Karen Olson, Account Executive
303-548-6651; kolson@ldwholesale.com